· 3 min read

Issue 51

8x Faster Arrays, ViewModel internals, SwiftUI dialogs and iOS 18's SwiftUI evolution?

First of all, Happy New Year everyone! Here’s to hoping 2025 brings you even more joy and success than the last year.

There seems to be a huge wave of motivation in the air this year. The gyms are packed, social media is buzzing with “this is YOUR year” messages, and I’ve already received a few iOS mentoring requests from young mobile developers. It’s interesting to see so many people taking active steps toward their goals.

Recently I’ve been busy redesigning my main website patrykkosieradzki.com, continuing development on my DailyWin app in my after-work hours, and now I’m creating examples to show how to implement a reusable paging mechanism in SwiftUI for iOS.

Let’s hope this momentum keeps going strong! 💪

Time for some hand-picked resources that caught my attention this week. Each of these has something valuable to offer 👇

This Week’s Must Reads

8× faster 5× memory savings with Dan Rusu’s Immutable Arrays

In this episode, discover how Dan Rusu’s pods4k Immutable Arrays library can deliver 2–8× speed boosts and 5× lower memory usage in Kotlin/Android apps.

Exploring ViewModel Internals

There are many challenges to tackle while working with Android. The ViewModel is one of the things that helps you overcome them, especially one of the core ones - state preservation. But how Android ViewModels actually work under the hood?

Getting Started with CameraX in Jetpack Compose

Using CameraX in pure Compose can be quite challenging. On the other hand, it’s creates a good opportunity to try it out in a side project and play with it. Here’s a quick example on how to start with CameraX in your apps. Beware Google’s code examples - they like to mix views and business logic everywhere 😅

iOS App Development: How to get started?

Some people reached out to me recently on how to start with iOS Development. Well, there’s no single answer to that question. Personally I’d recommend to just start with some small project, build upon it and learn on practical examples. Here’s also a TLDR on what you need, useful resources and answers to commonly asked questions.

Enhance UI/UX with the confirmation dialog component

The confirmationDialog sheet is a SwiftUI component that presents a temporary dialog to confirm an action or provide a set of related options. It appears from the bottom of the screen and offers buttons for users to make a choice which can include destructive actions, multiple choices, or simply canceling the operation.

Apple’s use of Swift and SwiftUI in iOS 18

How many binaries does iOS 18 contain? Which programming languages were used to develop these apps? How many apps are written in Swift? What percentage of apps use SwiftUI versus UIKit?

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